I have a 3 year old crosssbred (BR x EE) rooster who has been nothing but sweet to us and attentive toward his 8 hens until now. I noticed our Australorp hen, of course our oldest and most favorite, has been isolating herself this week, and when I or any of the other chickens approach her, she puffs up and makes clucky sounds like a broody hen would, so I assumed she was just being broody without sitting on eggs. She's I think 7 years old. Today I caught my rooster beating her up. He was standing in front of her, not mounting her, and had picked all the feathers off her head so she looks like a buzzard. He has also torn off pieces of her comb and she is bleeding.
Is he beating her up because she won't submit to him? I don't have a facility to separate him, but I can free range the hens and lock him up inside for a few days or as long as it takes. Is that what you would do?
If this persists, Paulie's going to have to go. His job is to protect them, not beat the crap out of them!
Is he beating her up because she won't submit to him? I don't have a facility to separate him, but I can free range the hens and lock him up inside for a few days or as long as it takes. Is that what you would do?
If this persists, Paulie's going to have to go. His job is to protect them, not beat the crap out of them!