
Apr 3, 2017
I have two Leghorn chicks which are two weeks old. Cleo and Tilda. I think Cleo may be a rooster, "she" has no tail feathers and a larger comb, but.... "her" wings look like pullet wings (all the different lengths).

Tilda on the left, Cleo on the right.

Tilda in the front, Cleo in the back.

Tilda on the left, Cleo on the right.

Tilda on the left, Cleo on the right.
I replied to your other thread, but was only able to see the first photo on that one. As explained, there are no "pullet" or "cockerel" wings in leghorns - wing feather sexing is only accurate on birds resulting from specific/careful crosses of slow and fast feathering parent bird lines *and* the reading of the feathers must be done in the first three days.
Neither of these birds is showing obvious cockerel signs. Leghorn pullets can develop some pretty impressive combs early on, often causing a moment of panic in folks unfamiliar with the breed. Focus on the color of the comb (and any wattle that develops) rather than the size.
I have a similar problem with my sebright. We had the chick sexed when we got it as its illegal to have roosters in the city limits. But she is about two months old now amd Im scared she may be a he.


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Your white leghorns will show red Combs on roosters at one month old I have six and that's what I found out. I also got a question on breed and gender on the 2 chickens I have posted both are around 2.5 years old. I was told they were barred rocks but I had a black sex link hen that were sold with the two barred rocks so not sure

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