Ok, I hope no one thinks I am crazy. But I was wondering if it is possible to have a vet neuter a rooster? I just dearly love my roo but he is a hefty bird ( def . going on 10 lbs) and he is making my 3 hens bare backed. With winter looming, my poor girls need their feathers. I am about to bring 3 new pullets out of quarintine and I am afraid he will hurt them -- that is , if he could catch them. I do not want to give him away, i would never eat him, and i do not want to take away his free ranging rights b.c. he is so protective of the lady birds. He is docile and such a friendly roo... i just wish that he weren't so...ummmmm..... needy! As he ages --- because he is only one---- will he calm down a bit and not be so needy?