

12 Years
Jun 3, 2009
I have had a few free range chickens for the past 4 or 5 years. Recently bought an incubator and I am hooked. Before I bought the incubator I rescued two chicks who has be colored for easter but not sold.

The white one had a very big crown. He was bigger than the brown one. You could tell he was a rooster before he had feathers. The pet store said they were bantams (ha ha). When they got bigger I thought they were leghorns. He started crowing early on. Overnight it seems the brown one has doubled its comb and waddle size and is now bigger than the white one. All this time I was thinking hen. Yesterday he/she flapped her wings and appeared to be trying to crow. She did not sound like my babies when they are first starting to crow. It didn't really sound like a crow. She also tried to mount my poor little EE hen (if this is a ooster then its two roosters, one EE hen).

It's hard to tell from the pics but she is much larger than he is and his waddle/crown are much bigger than hers.



Rooster? Breed?

Thanks, Kathy
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Someone said hatchery RI Red. How do you tell that its a hatchery chicken?
Hatchery RI reds are usually production reds which is a cross of New Hampshires and their version of RI reds. They are lighter shade of red and not so uniform in color sometimes they'll have some black or some white feathers in their body feathers. RI Reds are a deeper, rich mahogany color with only black in their neck, tail, and wing "flight" feathers. Hope this helps to ID the difference.
In all honesty, hatchery birds look nothing like what birds bred towards the standards look like. Hatchery birds are often-times half the size of an exhibition bird and the coloration simply does not look the same.

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