Roosters Fighting


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
I have brother roosters. We got them from a friend. We have 4 RIR hens, 2 black hens ( I don't know what they are), and the 2 roosters. They were fine at first, but know they are fighting and drawing blood. I put one in a crate to stop their fighting. My question is should I let them fight it out or will they kill each other?
roosters can sometimes get along just fine, especially brothers/ hatching mates. however there will always be one who is the top bird and he will keep the other one in line and can get aggressive if the bottom one is busy getting the girls. chances are they will keep fighting till one die/ they both die of wounds. however in saying that they could be fine later on but they need more hens, a min amount of hens is considered 6 hens for one, or if you are running 2 roosters together then 20 hens would be advisable
I have 6 babies about 2 months old I think there is 2 if not 3 rooster they all hatched together and so far are getting on fine. I also have 10 first year layers dose that. So if I do end up having 2 do I hsve to get rid of one

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