I have too many roosters and need to sell some.
<BR> I have a mottled houdan, 2 d'uccle's, 1 easter egger, 2 free range (no ideas) , 1 old english game bantam (tiny guy), 1 ameracauna, 1 black cochin, 1 red cochin, and 1 polish. Pictures available upon request. All are very healthy and friendly. The ages range from 1 year and under. I would like $15 each but will take best offer.
<BR> I have a mottled houdan, 2 d'uccle's, 1 easter egger, 2 free range (no ideas) , 1 old english game bantam (tiny guy), 1 ameracauna, 1 black cochin, 1 red cochin, and 1 polish. Pictures available upon request. All are very healthy and friendly. The ages range from 1 year and under. I would like $15 each but will take best offer.