Roosters free to good home not for meat!


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2022
Silkie male, will be honest he is territorial and a big ole but hole. Hasn’t began crowing yet. His name is Goldie. Bantam boys little foot and sonny. Tame and easy to handle. Sonny is getting picked on and little foot rules the roost but a good boy and my favorite. Hate to see him go the most but can’t have roosters in town. I’m barely “in town” the city limits sign is two down from my house. Willing to meet. Located in marysville ohio. Little foot is the only one crowing.
Welcome To BYC:frow

Good luck in finding them homes!
Thank you, makes me super upset. I’ve contemplated moving the city limits sign to the other side of my house. So stupid, especially little foot. He’s my man and don’t take crap from the feral population of cats around here. Even in the run when I catch one in my yard I’ll see him attempt to floof up and charge at them even though they can’t get to my chicks. Sunny and little foot will get so excited when I come into the run with treats. I’m so darn attached to them. Took a gander on a mystery bin of chicks. 3 of the 4 was rooster. The other 5 are sex hens. I know it’s just a chicken but they’ve brought me so much joy.

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