

Can't Decide
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
I'm planning to get a few roosters here shortly, and I'm wondering what procedure is for keeping them. I'm going to have my laying hens and brooding hens separate, therefore the latter will have full access to the rooster, but not the laying hens. Is this a good idea, or should I do something different??? Also, if I want to get more than one rooster, should I fence off separate sections for each of them??? I know they are very dominant, so I don't want any aggression.
I've kept roosters together and they sort out their peck order pretty quick. If you have really bred to be gamey birds you can run into problems, but your typical heavy birds you shouldn't have a problems. Keeping your broodys and roosters together is fine too. Your layers do not need roosters with them. It doesn't hurt to have them in there either if thats what you prefer. Some folks don't like the idea of eating fertile eggs though.
I'm gonna have RIR's, white leghorns, and maybe a new hampshire red. I don't really want to cross breed, and I'm not sure if I want to use the three aforementioned breeds for brooding since I've been told they aren't very good at hatching, and I really don't want to have to do the whole incubation thing. I'm thinking about Buff Orpingtons, or whatever they're called, since I've been told they're pretty good at sitting. I dunno. Just wanted some pointers, cause I don't want to end up with a bloody mess from two roosters. Thanks!
I think the "general" rule is 8-10 hens per rooster, but I have had two roosters with about 10 hens before. I think it depends on the roosters, how much space they have, etc.

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