
Instinct for protection from predators. If they have no roosts, they can't roost. I don't think they will explode or anything...but if they are breeds that do want to roost, it may cause them stress if they can't.
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I think they just plain old prefer it as an instinctive, habitual thing to protect themselves against predators.. I have heard of breeds that do not like to roost, but most do.
I believe if you don't provide roosts they will then sleep in the nest boxes as that's usually the highest point. which results in dirty boxes and dirty eggs
TOTAL CHAOS !!!!!!!!!!!!

just kiddin, messy nest boxes
It just makes them feel more comfortable,Yea just natural instink to keep away from preditors. I would also put one roost long enough for all your birds to be at same hight and not more than one at differant levels, they may fight to fit on the top roost.
my hubby just made a little roost for our almost 2 weekers... he did 2 2x4 blocks (so it won't flip) and a dowel. Went out tonight and there were two one it. One was clearly trying to sleep and the other was using it's vantage point to peck the others as they would walk by.. will be interesting to see if they all take up the habit at this young age or if it's just a fluke that, that one is on the roost.
I was wondering about this. I have 2 girls. One has always slept on the roost and the other in a nest box. The roosting girl is the boss hen.

I was coming here to find out if there's any reason that they should roost. I guess the answer is to keep the next box clean. But I can't see that she's soiling it.

I am thinking that getting them both to roost next to each other would be good in the winter so they can keep each other warm. If I leave the lid open on the next boxes when they go in for the evening then the other one does roost. But so far if I don't then she's in the next box.
So can chickens get "stuck" on a roost? I put a roosting ladder in my chicken pen that has two levels offset from each other. The bottom roost is about 18 inches off the ground, the higher roost is about 4 ft. up. My hens are 5 months old and seem to have no trouble getting up to the higher roost - but then they seem to be stuck. They have actually spent the night outside of their house the last few nights. I took them off the roost yesterday and they ran to their food and ate like crazy - an then got back on the roost again. They were still there this morning?????

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