

In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
South Carolina
I have a 8 x 12 coop for 24 chickens right now. I have along a 12 foot wall a roost and along an 8 foot wall a roost. Along the other 12 foot wall is an eight nesting box unit. They are using the boxes as a pooping area. I have not had any eggs in months now. Half of the chickens will be 3 in the spring (mixed breeds). The others will be 6 months in January (RIR) with another 10 that will be 6 months in March which are housed in my barn in a 12x12 stall. Should I put up another roost somewhere? Maybe I will try to get some pics today and post them? The other chickens will go in this coop also eventually when they are big enough...maybe February.

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