Rouen duckling?

Count Quackula

In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2020
Hi all! New duck owner and also new poster here, though I have been reading the forums for a while now.
I acquired two friends from a local breeder, one blue swedish and one rouen...or so I thought! The rouen looked like a normal rouen duckling, albeit a touch lighter than the others. Now that they are just about five weeks and getting their feathers in I noticed a lot of white coming in. Is this normal, or is my rouen not actually a rouen? Thanks!

the way it's standing I was thinking part runner but its body looks so wide idk. I've only had runners. I'm sure others with experience with lots of other breeds will be along soon to let you know.
Welcome to BYC!!! This community is great. I am still learning some duck breeds myself so I will tag in a few ducky friends to give you a hand.
@Miss Lydia @rjohns39 @Pyxis @DuckyDonna @KDOGG331
Hmm well I’m no expert either and don’t actually have ducks (yet!) but I’ve read a lot so I can try hahah appreciate the thought :love

To me it does kind of look like a mix but hopefully not. :fl

I wonder if it’s possible the Swedish somehow got with Rouens?

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