Rouen Incubating


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
hello everyone, I was wondering if it is normal for my Rouen ducks to only sit on there eggs in the night? Will they develop like that or should I get an incubator?
If they're only sitting at night and not all the time, the eggs will not likely develop. My girls are currently doing that as well, but they are less than a year old and it's their first time laying. They might go full on broody soon though, so there is hope they'll sit tight like they should soon. If you really want some to for sure develop I'd pull a few into an incubator. You can always move the eggs back out under your ducks if they do start sitting tight in the near future.
okay well how old r the eggs ?

Some females wont start sitting full time until about a week or two but the eggs should still be okay to hatch, going along with that if its really hot outside during the day the female will get up and not come back to the nest until night when it has cooled a bit. but still they should eventually begin to sit full time after a while
okay well how old r the eggs ?

Some females wont start sitting full time until about a week or two but the eggs should still be okay to hatch, going along with that if its really hot outside during the day the female will get up and not come back to the nest until night when it has cooled a bit. but still they should eventually begin to sit full time after a while
Okay that makes sense, I take them everyday because I never saw them sitting on them
thank you for the help!
One more question: will she keep laying more eggs or just keep the one she has

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