Roundworms - ICK!


Nov 16, 2021
New England

I am in New England and my flock has a case of Roundworms. Treatment starting today with .23ml per lb of bird - SafeGuard.

We are getting another 5 inches of snow today so my question is:

Our run is sand, coop where 3 hens live is pine shavings. The coop will be easier to clean, but how do I clean sand? I scoop 2-3x a day (I have a problem). They have wood ash, and PDZ along with the sand.

Should I buy lime? I couldn’t find anything on best practices here or online. Hoping someone had some experience with deworming aftercare.

Thank you!


The crew :)
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Oh good.
I don't think it's possible to eradicate them completely from the soil. Lime might work but I'm not certain if that will harm your hens.
Sugar snap. I’ve never had to deal with worms yet - and I’m hoping the PDZ or Barn Lime would help kill them? Hopefully we get an answer from someone here who might know :)

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