I just thought I would share... Though it has now been 3 months. My Royal Palm Turkey hen, Tia has gone through a lot in her 2 years. She was the only survivor of a neighbor dog attack. This year I have no other turkeys and she was broody... I had just gotten rid of my two roosters (one of whom she had a crush on... very strange that was) and still some fertile chicken eggs. I gave her 8 and 5 to a chicken. I did not think it would go all that well..... The chicken hen hatched 3 and rejected 1.... Tia hatched out 6 and accepted the orphan.... I have Nine chicks of different breeds....Only 2 or 3 are roos.... This has been an amazing 3 months.
The little one near the wall is the rejected chick, Iris is half BO/EE
Very much guarding her babies
Good mom
About a month old
Why are my babies so small and strange colors?
At three months of age they still all fallow her around. Some even still try to sit on her back. And she still makes sure no one harms or gets to close to her babies. The other 2 that were raised with a chicken have been on their own for a long time now. REally love how Turkey Tia has done. Good job Mom...