Runner Duckling Holding Left Eye Closed


7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Port Orchard, Wa
Sorry for all the posts lately, there is so much I dont know. One of my 3 week old runner ducklings has been holding her eye closed this evening. She will open it when something startles her but then lets it close again. It doesn't look abnormal or gooey or anything. She has been eating and drinking as far as I can tell but I'm not sure if she has been as active as the others. I wiped her face off with a damp rag and gave them a water bowl to wash in but she isn't that interested in dunking her head.

When should I start to worry?
Try giving her a warm (85 F) swim. Her instincts will likely have her dipping her whole body.

Sounds like there may be a mild irritation. Start looking around for medicated eye drops for animals (I cannot find any near me yet, by the way). Worst case, she may have the beginnings of an infection.

Another thing to try is apple cider vinegar in their water, about a tablespoon per gallon, just to boost their immune systems.

Oh, and please don't feel apologetic. The learning curve with ducklings is IMMENSE.
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Whew! Great relief! Please watch that eye closely and if you can, give her extra opportunities for cleanup.


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