Runny nose, runny/matted eye, 1 has swollen eye, 1 cannot walk


10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
I bought my 9 BO's and 1 guinea about 2 weeks ago. They are 23 weeks old, and my guinea is about 27 weeks.
I've never had chickens before. One of my girls started to get a runny nose a few days after I got them. Now she had a badly matted eye yesterday morning and could not walk properly, and 2 more has runny noses and eyes. I was told by the lady that I bought them from to give them 1cc of Tylan, and separarte the sick ones. I have, and now one of my girls has alittle bit of a swollen eye. HELP

I have already fallen in love with my darlins, I'm not quit sure what else to do

I'm feeding them laying pellets and crushed shells bought from the feed store, and hey for the coop and boxes. I have only found 3 really small, soft shell eggs.
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I'd probably put liquid vitamins in their water and give some extra animal-sourced protein. Lots of people offer yogurt. Maybe some electrolytes if they are not eating well. Probably a little plain Neosporin on the eyes. Just supportive care. Not sure there is much you can do, really, without finding a chicken vet (good luck!) and spending heaps of money. I have had chickens recover from this sort of thing. I did a little research and found there are several possible causes. No way I am rich enough to get aggressive with treatment.
I started looking closer at her feet ( girlie who can't walk right) It looks like she, in human looking, broke her toe. Its the middle toe. what do I need to do?
I figure thats why she can't stand up or walk. PLEASE give advise.
I would straighten it out and splint it. A bandaid might be strong enough. No experience with this; might try a search to see of someone has succeeded at this. There is also a problem of "curly toe" which happens to some chicks and which I also have no experience with. Again, might try a search, or a new thread if needed.

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