Sacramento, California Bee articles on legalizing chickens in the city

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
Opened my paper this morning to find two full pages devoted to chickens and a push to legalize them in the City of Sacramento. They are already legal in the Unincorporated areas of Sacramento County, if you have over 10,000 sf. But in the City, they are not allowed at all.

Here are the articles:

They also mention offering your opinion in the forum section, but i couldn't find where a thread had been started there, and i need to get outside and let my poor chickens out of their coops.

Anyhow, this seems like a good time for everyone in Sacramento to take some extra time to contact their local assembly person and let them know we want to legalize chickens.
Pretty nice!

I've got my fingers crossed for Sacto residents - and the comments on their forum look pretty positive as well.
Rats! I looked to see if someone else posted today's Sacto article on chickens but didn't see yours. Bugger!

Here's a post from today

"Sacramento to rethink backyard chicken ban"

As usual, the comments following the article is where the real fire is.
Comments range from pro-chicken to those who think chickens = turning Sacramento into a third world country. Amazing the variation of thoughts out there!
Im in Rancho. When we became a city I told them I had them...said they would have to talk to their lawyers...that was over 2 years ago.
I guess I have been grandfathered in. I am 1500 shy of the needed acreage to be considered legal.. Neighbor across the street just got
her banties.
my folks are in a platt house. Would probably be different if they lived out in Granite Bay or Folsom. They live near the Galleria. About a mile away I think. They moved accross town after becoming empty nesters.
Just heard on the news: Sacramentans will be given a short period of time to get rid of their backyard chickens! Christina Mendonsa said "eat 'em if you've gottem'!
Raising chickens is not "against the law in Sacramento County", as the news article indicates. You just need to have a plot of 10,000 or larger. Why on earth are they making such a big deal out of this? Here is the article.

SACRAMENTO, CA - The county of Sacramento will be cracking down on urban chicken owners starting next week.

The county is telling owners to eat or get rid of their chickens by Monday, Jan. 18, or county code enforcement will start investigating and fining them.

Raising urban chickens has become more popular in recent years, but it is against the law in Sacramento County. The city of Sacramento is considering allowing egg-laying chickens, but the measure wasn't expected to go before a committee until March.

Currently, Sacramento County does allow chickens on residential parcels, but the plots must be greater than 10,000 square feet.

Chicken laws in the county have bred groups specifically dedicated to changing current chicken regulations.

News10's Dale Schornack profiled one group called "CLUCK" which stands for Campaign for Legalizing Urban Chicken Keeping.

To read Shornack's story and to learn more about the county's chicken ordinances, click here.

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