sad australorps news

So sorry for your losses, that's never easy :hugs

It seems once a predator finds an easy hunting ground, they'll keep coming back for more. So beef up your coop and run security. If they have been free ranging, you might want to only do it when you can be there to keep an eye on them.

So sorry for your losses, that's never easy :hugs

It seems once a predator finds an easy hunting ground, they'll keep coming back for more. So beef up your coop and run security. If they have been free ranging, you might want to only do it when you can be there to keep an eye on them.

yes, thats what we been doing are dog does a good job keeping the fox away know, thanks!
Wow wish could have Roos, he's beautiful and opposite of one we need to rehome too!
We had 11 australorps hens and 1 rooster, but on Saturday a fox came and snatched 4 of them:hit. They are now 13 weeks and are very healthy and i was wondering when do they start to lay?:jumpy
Sorry to here this but glad you joined us.
I hatch and raise Blue Austy's & Black Austy's. I have had success with some of the Blue's at 5 mo's (20 wks) and pretty much 6 mo's (24 wks) for my blacks.
So from 7 to 11 more weeks I'm guessing.
Thanks for becoming a BYC Member!
Heart-Baloon-Smiley4.gif Sorry for your losses!:hugs

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