Sad/Hurt Leghorn


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 9, 2008
Middleburg, FL
Hi All,

Sunday morning I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Right as the sun was coming up I heard the chickens making a bunch of noise. I went out to find out what was going on and opened the door just in time to see a fox high tailing it across my backyard with my leghorn in his mouth. I guess I scared it and it dropped her. She ran across the yard to the pen, but when she came to the fence she turned and ran into the wooded lot next door. She went in pretty deep and I couldn't see her. I checked for her a couple times during the day and didn't see her. I figured she was hurt and had died out in those woods. Well..I came home from a friends house at about 7 to try and figure out a way to keep everyone in the pen/coop so it wouldn't happen again. I looked inside the coop and there she was. She had laid her egg for the day in the nest box. She appeared unhurt so I left her alone. FF to day..I still haven't seen her out of the coop and she hasn't laid an egg in 2 days (after 20 days in a row). I scooped her up today (the fact that she was so easy to just pick up was weird) and there are no signs of injury on her. No blood, no missing feathers, she appears fine. So we thought maybe she's just scared, but I'm not sure if she's eating or drinking. We brought her in the house and set her up in a dog kennel with her own food and water, so that she doesn't have to deal with the heat. I checked on her a few times before I left for a friends house and she was standing in the same spot for hours. I checked on her about an hour ago when I got home and she's still in the same spot, but she's turned around. The food/water appear untouched, but she has pooped. Also, even though it was past 10 at night and dark, she was standing, not laying down. Any idea what might be wrong with her? Anything I can do to help her? She's just standing there, not clucking, nothing. It's the same thing she was going in the coop. Just standing there in one spot. It's weird. Any help woud be appreciated.
She may be in a bit of shock, and she may have hidden injuries. Does she have a close friend? Get the closest thing and bring her in to keep her company. You'll be better able to observe if she doesn't have the added stress of being alone in Humansville.
I was thinking internal injuries too. I hope not. She's the only hen I have that's laying regularly (another just started the Sunday this happened and has laid 2 total so far). She's actually kind of a loner. Some of the others will hop out of the pen and wander around for a bit, but she wanders the yard all day long only going back in the pen to eat, lay an egg, and sleep. She's pretty much always by herself. I'll grab one of my younger quiet pullets and put her in there tomorrow so she won't be completely alone though. The only problem I can think of with that is not being able to tell if Kellogg (the leghorn) is eating or not (so far, not). Thanks for the advice. I hope I don't lose her.
Scrambled eggs and baby parrot food. And grapes. Those are the way to get her to get something in. You can give her a half 81mg aspirin to manage pain once and see if it helps her act better. If so, she can have it every 6 hours if you give her yogurt to manage the GI implications.

You MUST get her to eat. Even thawed frozen corn can help.

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