Sad, Sad Day


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
My 4 Valentine babies just went to their new home
I had no idea that it was going to be this hard. The guy was really nice and has other chickens, guineas and pigeons. It took all I have to not break down in front of him, so here I am now.
I know how it feels
i've sold many of my chicks that I miss even my first hen, but I know she likes it better over there in the country than in the city
Is it not funny how attached we get? Try to sell extra roosters from hatchings at Swap and I'll only sell to a few people after finding out a man that bought 9 of our Millie Fluer cochins just turns around and sells for profit

It was a awful thing to watch him put those chickens we worked so hard to make such good little friends be put into feed bags and shoved in the back of his truck...
Oh PQ, that would just make me Sick!!! My chicks stuffed into feed bags? In the back of a truck?!

I'm sorry you are having a sad day Bec.
I hope the sun will shine and cheer you a little.
I know they got a good home, it is just the separation part that hurts. The guy bought some of my orpington eggs and wants to buy some blue hen eggs, so I will be in touch with him and be able to find out how they are. He has Buff cochins, white rocks and rhode island reds.

I feel better now, but will be sad to go out and feed tonight...time will heal. I also feel bad for the momma hen..she is probably so confused.

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