Safe treats for young chicks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Hi! I have some 10 day olds and some three day olds, and I'm wondering what might make a good "special" treat for them? I've heard of using mealworms, but can chicks eat those, or are they only for adult chickens? I think our babies are in need of something to break up the routine.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!
Thanks!! They are still eating chick crumbles and we were told we didn't need to add grit. Should I start adding that now? Do I mix it in with the crumbles? They're digesting fine on the crumbles, but with treats, I'd be more inclined to think they'd need some grit.
yeah, they only need the grit if youre giving them treats. they love treats! my silver phoenix still dont get the concept of a treat though. but they LOVE ramen noodles. if you make them ramen, either don't add the flavor package or rinse them off before you give it to them. it looks like a little worm and go for it right away!
Thank you, thank you! I'm gonna get them some red seedless grapes today.
(Oh, and chick grit...haha).
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I would be a little concerned about grapes. My chickens LOVE grapes but my vet advised against it. Grapes have a ton of sugar, especially when considering how small chickens/chicks are. Vet said 2 or 3 at most for a grown chicken. Not sure about the young ones.

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