Said I wasn't gonna do it


12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
SW Florida
I know I said I was going to wait till the spring to hatch out anymore chicks. My silkie hen went broody again, three times this year. So I stuck some of my bantam cochin eggs under her. Could be a showgirl in there too.

What am I doing?
My standard cochin chicks are only 2 weeks old. I had this all planned out. Cochins now silkies in the spring.
I'm a lost cause.
needmorechickens! :

I am right there with ya....I am about to get to the point where even 2 bators is not enough for my staggered hatches!


Heaven help me!

Me too!

Only I've been cut off ....I have 2 hovabators.....but hubby didn't say that I couldn't build more!
My daughter is building one right now...and I think I'm going to try to make one too!!​
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Addicted addicted addicted. You have been sucked under the spell of the incubation and hatching thread. There is no withdrawal, no retreat. It is hopeless to resist. There is no "never", there is no "next year." A moment's glance at an incubator, a pipping egg, a damp chick, or a hen on a nest and you cannot resist it. You are powerless.

Your only hope is to own four bators and hope that in your eighties the impulse lets go of you on its own.

Only one other thing may, possibly, in some cases, set you free. But this is only a suspicion of mine. I believe that if you can ADDICT 1500 other people, the impulse may fade. That may be the very reason for this website. The creators and moderators are trying to overcome their own addiction by addicting others. It explains sooo much.

In the meantime - cruise ebay for another incubator and stop fighting your impulses. Chickens are good for you.

I just got doing my first 4, had six, one died and one was a dud. I am so addicted, now, I am doing some more, just got to get to the eggs and bring them in before the hens get to them. Is there a 12 step program for this?
Help, I am addicted too.
I just borrowed my brothers incubator, in addition to the one I am using now.
Maybe someone should write a book on "chicken to slowly get rid of your bators" Naaaaaa
that's a bad idea! I'd much rather spend time with my chickens than go back to watching ridiculous TV shows!

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