Sally the cochin crashes the Graduation party (with pic!)


9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
My sister graduated from high school this year and we were having a party at our house. My almost two year old cousin wanted to go see the "buk buks" (code for chickens, he also refuses to call me Angela. I have been dubbed Buk Buk by him as well
) So he went out to where they had been penned up for the day and immediately found his favorite hen, Sally. Sally is a bantam cochin and LOVES kids. Ethan scooped her out and rushed to go show mom his chicken....right into the graduation party. Oh my, the surprise on people's faces to see Sally! Ethan took her around to show everyone! Even to a 98 year old woman who replied, "My goodness! Is that a chicken? But its so friendly!" Sally was just a doll through the whole ordeal and believe me, Ethan hasn't quite mastered the proper handling techniques yet
Here's a pic of the two cuties


Hope you enjoyed the story!
You bet he did! I had a family ask me all kinds of questions about chickens before they left because they were considering getting some now
Really cute! You mean chickens don't always go to parties? The last party we went to we brought a Mama hen with 10 chicks that she hatched out. They were a huge hit! Your little cousin has the right idea

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