Salmon Faverolle Chick sexing - 4 weeks


Aug 28, 2020
Northwest Arkansas
I’ve read that salmon faverolles should be easy to sex at young age but the more posts and pictures I look at, the more confused I am haha! These are 4 weeks old. Any ideas?

Chick 1 on left Chick 2 on right

Chick 1

chick 2
Probably boys, however I've learned watching my own Salmon Faverolle grow up that there's a lot of sloppy breeding from hatcheries, and and one of the things that suffers is the coloration. There's been a few folks on here who've ended up with females with black on their chests. Mine has a bit of black throughout including a little on chest. So I'd give them a couple more weeks.

This is an old thread, but one of many with examples of poor colored Faverolle pullets
Probably boys, however I've learned watching my own Salmon Faverolle grow up that there's a lot of sloppy breeding from hatcheries, and and one of the things that suffers is the coloration. There's been a few folks on here who've ended up with females with black on their chests. Mine has a bit of black throughout including a little on chest. So I'd give them a couple more weeks.

This is an old thread, but one of many with examples of poor colored Faverolle pullets
Wow that’s very interesting! Thanks for the link, I won’t give up hope on them yet!

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