Salmon Faverolle or Buckeye


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Denver, IA
I am just getting back into chickens from when i was a kid. I ordered a group of chicks(buff orp, australorps, black sex-link, and silkies) I decided except for the silkies i don't want to keep any of them. After further research i now can't decide between Buckeyes and Faverolle's for a dual purpose flock. Was wondering about meat qualities, egg production, and temperament. What are your opinions on each? I fear i may need to build three coops this year if i can't decide. Have some Buff geese coming next month too and wondered if one could handle geese better than the other?
That's EASY - Faverolles!!! LOL - ok, no, for real, I have no experience with Buckeyes, BUT I love my Favs, no one I've ever heard of has regretted raising them. Egg production is great, and year round, temperaments are fantastic (with the occasional exception of course, like any breed) they come in several varieties so you can have lots of color. I haven't hatched any that haven't sold as chicks, so I can't tell you about meat qualities, except that I have heard from numerous sources that they are fantastic eating!
I live in Iowa. So hot summer and cold winter. I also have two young children(2 and 4) so prefer no mean roosters. But most of us who grew up with chickens were probably tackled by a stray rooster once or twice and we survived...
I would go with Favs. They're sweet, stately birds. I've also heard that the roos are some of the most gentle.
I would also go with the faverolles. I have never heard anyone say anything negative about that breed!

However, both breeds (faverolles and buckeyes) are listed as critically endangered by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, so you would be doing a great thing by raising either one...or both!
Faverolles are amazing I have bantams they are great hope you get them they are a wonderful and rare breed! They are good layers the LF are good meat birds and are cold hardy to the max.
Have not had Buckeyes, but I do have Faverolles, and they are wonderful. Pretty, gentle,great layers,not flighty,roosters are awesome,I had actually 5 roosters, 2 are in with the hens in their house and 3 walk around and follow me all around the yard.

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