San Diego Laws Progresing - neighborhood planning boards

Rachel in OB

8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
I just got done speaking to my neighborhood planning board in Ocean Beach. It went extremely well! It couldn't have been any easier.

I made binders with a very well thought out proposal and info packet put together by Chris in South Park and went through the basics that that were in it briefly. They all seemed interested and followed along. I had a few members of the community there to speak out in support as well. Once I was done talking each board member said their opinion or questions. ALL of them were in support 2 said that they wanted to get chickens, and several had chicken experiences to share, all positive.
The only real concern was from someone living in an apartment complex who said she would not be happy if they had chickens in a common area - which was easy to respond to.

The result was that they will go over the information in more detail and create an action item. They were all impressed and thanked me several times for bringing this to their attention!

I also spoke to a rep from Kevin Faulkners office who said someone in his office was already working on it and talking to the mayors office.

In addition I was recently made aware that there is a city council meeting to discuss urban agriculture on July 20th at 2pm downtown, and chickens are potentially on the agenda! I know that it is helpful when people from the community show up in support even if you dont speak.

Please feel free to contact me or Chris in South Park if you are interested in presenting this information to your neighborhood planning committee, I can easily get you the information. The goal is to get as many different neighborhoods in support making recommendations to city council.

Looks like we are making moves in the right direction!!

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