Sand from the beach = OK as grit?


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2015
I have 3 week old chicks that I rescued from the wild. I live in Hawaii and there is obviously a lot of sand here. As they're getting older, I'm starting to think about giving them treats and also what they'll be eating as they get older and are weaned off chick starter. Can I bring some sand home from the beach for them to eat as grit? or anything else from around the yard? The wild chickens here seem to manage just fine. Is there any danger in that that I might be overlooking?
Well, just sand is really to small to be functional grit. It needs to be a bit larger than that.


Here's a thread on grit for chicks
If your chickens free range they should find sufficient grit. I free range my flock and I have never provided grit and they are fine.

If your chickens free range they should find sufficient grit. I free range my flock and I have never provided grit and they are fine.


They're only 3 weeks old so they do not free range, and I don't plan on letting them since we have dogs that are allowed to roam the neighborhood and have been known to kill the wild chickens.
I think my observation would still apply if the are in a large run, or just outdoors for the time being. If they are pecking around in soil etc they should be ok. If not then you may wish to consider providing grit.

When I hear sand I think of playground type sand. And I've been to Maui so I'm thinking about the sand I remember there. Courser would be better. I'm having a difficult time describing the size to you though!
Sorry about that! If you have a feed store you can go to you can see the type of grit they sell for chicks under 8 weeks old.
Here's a link to the kind I use to give you an idea.
The size is small up to 8 weeks old and then jumps considerably in size. I didn't give them the bigger size until they were 11 weeks old because I thought it was so huge!

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