I live in Northern California where it only rains in the winters (if we're lucky!) and the summers are dry and hot. I am building a coop for my first flock, and from my research I would like to use sand in my run instead of wood shavings. I will be housing 3 hens in a 4 x 4 hen house with an attached 4 x 8 run. I'm confused about how to set up the foundation for the coop and run, however. I have some leftover pavers from my pool deck that I thought I could put under the entire coop and run. They are large, thick, heavy Belgard-brand pavers that a predator wouldn't be able to move. Starting at ground level,would I put the pavers down first, pea gravel on top of the pavers, and then several inches of sand on top of the gravel? Given that approach, what does one to do to keep the sand contained inside of the run? I'm assuming I would need to put boards or something around the bottom few inches of the run to keep the sand from spilling out of the hardware cloth. And on the topic of hardware cloth, with the heavy pavers on the bottom of the coop would I still need to put a hardware cloth apron under the pavers? I live near vineyards so want to secure my coop against rats, racoons and other predators that frequent my area. I truly appreciate the wealth of information from this forum and any help would be much appreciated!