Sapphire gem gender- white dot on beak


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2020
My sapphire gem chickens are beautiful, but I’m wondering what gender they are (however, I have to assume they are all hens!). We didn’t get a rooster, but we are wondering about it.

what gender are my sapphire gems? One beautiful one has a large white dot on her beak (not her heas male sapphire gems indicate).


the other sapphire gem I have has mounted herself on another hen as they roost, and she has the largest and reddist comb and wattles than any other chickwn we have.



thanks for the help,
Victoria (& Lu
My Googling says that these are sex links, males should be barred. The spot on the beak is just a mark, not an indication of sex. So I think they’re both pullets... how old?
Great thanks I appreciate the comments: they are 3 months old, assuming they are both hens of course
intuitive feedback!! The top one is black beauty and so subtle and graceful, perfect. The bottom one is a fat bully.

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