Sassy or Steel ????????? - Straight feathered Showgirl


Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
My little "Sassy" started to" mock crow" in the morning if I have the door open and "she" can hear the roos outside. She has lived in the house all her life, not sure how old she was when she was given to me, but about 5 months old now? She does not make any noises the rest of the day, or if I do not have the door open. There is no comb that I can tell, no real wattles and no real saddle feathers that I can tell. She is in a cage w/ Sophie my Silkie hen, and Sassy shows no male tendencies towards her. Is she just imitating what she hears or is she really a he?

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Looks like a she to me. I would guess she is immitating the roo's she hears outside. You can usually tell the girls by when you pick them up they stick the rear up as if they were being mounted. The boys wont. Good luck.

She is beautiful!!! I kinda like the straight feather look.

Looks like a girl to me also. Chef is right.. when she nears egg laying she should do the squatting thing.

I like the normal feather look also, in fact in my showgirl pens there are a few normal feathereds.. my general plan is to get them up to show stock silkie type in body, except with the normal feathering.. bet they would be real cute?

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