Saw pair of wild bob whites today


10 Years
Mar 30, 2009
Southwest IN
Early this evening I spotted two bob whites run across our road into our garden. Larter on when I went down there to check on my turkeys which are right by the garden i flush up the two quail. I have always wanted quail. Has any body else seen wild quail any time lately. Today when my friend and were fishing we saw a fawn on the pond dam. I'm gald Iget to see all this wildlife. I couldn't stand a day in the city.
My in-laws have a bunch of wild bobwhites. They also live in TN. They hear them more than see them, but they live on 14 acres with some really brushy areas where they hide.

My Mother in-law has a feeder near the ground she puts meal worms on, she says they sometimes come to her feeder.
You should try this maybe they will stick around.
I often see the California Valley quail riding my bike on the country roads. Growing up, we had a family of quail on our property. I LOVED seeing them! But eventually, too many houses went up around us, and they disappeared.

I don't think I could ever keep Valley Quail, because I'm so used to seeing them in the wild. Pharoah are okay, because to they're not 'wild' to me!
When I was 5 (yes i remember) I saw a hen with about 8 chicks trailing in a line behind her (just like you see in the cartoons). I haven't seen any since and I small game hunt and everything. Kinda sad.
I actually just today saw a pair of bobwhites on our road. I think that was the first time ever I have seen 'wild' quail. Of course, these aren't 'wild', my neighbor raises a few to train his bird-dogs with, and last time he went out with them, he didn't get all his quail back.

There aren't many in my area from what I've heard, dad says something about they need something in their diets (quail and pheasants) that they just don't get naturally here.
I know I've never seen wild pheasants around here!
When I was maybe 12, we lived across from a golf course, that backed up to a county park. We would see wild Ca Valley Quail that would come and live on the golf course during summers. Early in the morning they'd be out in the grass.
I live on a 284 acre farm here in alabama. And this afternoon as i was cutting the grass along the driveway( which is a dirt road about 2 miles long)two bobwhites fly up and away. we hear them every morning around day break and then again late in the evening. I love this country living.

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