Scaly leg mites

Sep 25, 2018
Hey, I bought fours hens that have raised scales most likely from leg mites except for one. Does anyone know a simple and effective method?
You can search the forums for Scaley Mites.
I have this is from my notes but recheck info

Scaly Legs - Soak in warm water & mild dish soap. With toothbrush scrub with vinegar, garlic or Neem Oil. Smear leg with Coconut Oil, Vaseline or Bag Balm 1x wk for 2 - 3wks. Clean out coop; remove shavings; spray Orange Insect Spray or DE, spread lavender, lemon grass, thyme, wormwood in shavings

Ivermectin (pour on) - Rub onto the legs, wear gloves. Std 0.75ml = 25ml ea leg & 25ml on skin. Ivomec on daily 1 & day 10, rub some kind of oil on legs daily.
How do you know they're scaly leg mites and not just old crusty chicken legs? I have a buff orpington but have no idea her age. Her legs look scaly but the other two hens in the coop look fine, no sign of scaliness. How do I know if I should subject her to a wash down and treatment (she's a super skittish chicken!).
How do you know they're scaly leg mites and not just old crusty chicken legs? I have a buff orpington but have no idea her age. Her legs look scaly but the other two hens in the coop look fine, no sign of scaliness. How do I know if I should subject her to a wash down and treatment (she's a super skittish chicken!).
Scaly leg mites are more common in older or debilitated birds, and in most flocks there might be one or two with them while others’ leg are pristine. If you are seeing raised scales, then you have leg mites. Apply a thick oil to the legs once a week rubbing into the scales. Initially unless it is cold weather, a gentle scrub in soapy water will loosen them to accept the oil. Castor oil and crisco shortening are my favorites, but many use Nustock, vaseline, coconut oil and others. Here is a link to read for pictures:
Hey, I bought fours hens that have raised scales most likely from leg mites except for one. Does anyone know a simple and effective method?
Can you post some pics?

Depending on how bad they are....just a coating with bag balm or vaseline will do the trick. Wipe upwards to get it under the scales, then downward to remove excess. I do once/twice a week for a few weeks. Then wait, you may see some improvement right away but it can take weeks for scales to be fully regenerated, especially if infestation was bad(long time being there).
Hey, I bought fours hens that have raised scales most likely from leg mites except for one. Does anyone know a simple and effective method?
If it is scaly leg mite then a mixture of Vaseline and Betadine gel, 75%-25% liberally applied to the legs over a few nights when they go to roost will suffocate the mites. However, the mites lay eggs under the scales and these will hatch later and reinfect the legs. I coat with Vasaline for three to five days, leave for two weeks and repeat.
You should never scrub the legs, The scales are very easy to break and dislodge. Its painful for the chicken and leaves the leg unprotected should you break any scales.
You will not notice much change in the appearance of the lag until new scales grow. The leg may look the way it does (raised scales) for a year before new scales grow.
All you need is some olive oil which will suffocate the mites and get rid of them. My grandpa raised all sorts of birds, including poultry and this was his tried and true remedy for leg mites. I personally have used olive oil on a cockatiel before and he had a bad leg mite problem...he healed up fast and the buggers were gone. I know that's a bird of a different feather, but I trust what my grandpa said and it works for sure.
Wylderness10 What other types of oils could I use ?
Cocnut oil is something I use on my animals, but never tried it on my chickens. I would think any natural, food grade, cooking oil would be best, but I would make sure it is safe for chickens first. I still stand by olive oil. You can use the cheap store brand one and it will have the same effect. Canola oil could be used too. Whatever has a good viscosity and will suffocate the mites. Good luck healing your birds!

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