Score! Lowes Playhouse Coop $80!

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
Thanks to a post from drom, i called my local Lowes to find they had just one Belamy Playhouse left, the floor model, originally $340, marked down to $299, on clearance for $89. It got dinged being hauled to the front of the store by some guy pulling it behind him like a sled dog and not paying attention. i demanded money off for that, so they deducted 10%.

The cool thing is that it's already assembled. All i have to do is paint on a wood sealer, hardware cloth over the windows, and put in a floor. i kept the pallet they had under it, so i can use those boards as a floor. i bought some vinyl tiles for the floor. i also bought some strong posts, with the idea of perhaps elevating it a foot or two. It's very cute, and even has a window box and doorbell (don't tell my chickens about that or they will be ringing it for treats). i am SO excited. This was such a great score! By the way, if anyone lives in Northern California, i heard the Yuba City Lowes has three left.

I am glad you were able to get it for $80!
They are hard to get around here too or at least in my experience.
This is the coop I want and I can't get it here!!!! :mad: I am so jealous!!! None on clearance at any Lowe's in our area - $349 is the best price they will give me
i haven't measured personally, but it says it's 4' x '4 by 6 feet tall. i can stand up inside, but my head touches the tippy top of the inside ceiling, and i'm 5'5" (plus, i can just squeeze my big fanny through the teeny door). i'm thinking of either using posts to raise it up taller like on stilts, or i could put boards around the bottom to make it taller, so i could stand up inside easier.

i was thinking today, i paid something like $325 for my chick-n-barn, which is 4' x 4' x 4', and it isn't nearly as nice as this playhouse.

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