Scovie Ducklings - MANY NEW PICS!

Birch Run Farm

Biddy up!
11 Years
Sep 5, 2008
OK folks, here's my second hatch and this duck is a first time mother. She is doing very well so far. The two ducklings in the very front are quite interesting. One has a distinct cap and I am wondering if it will be a duclair? Next to it a a duckling with no white or light colored spots and it has coal black feet/legs.


Another view:


There may be three ducklings similarly marked with a seperate head cap.
Last edited: cute!!! I have three new babies that are approx. 1 1/2 weeks old. Two are totally yellow, except for a dark cap. One is mostly brown with yellow. None have black legs though. That is so cool! Can't wait to see how yours look as they grow up, esepcially the one with black legs.

Good luck with them! Mama looks like she is doing a great job!

What is a duclair? I haven't heard that term used before. Thanks.

Duclair is a color pattern, they are black and white best described as a tuxedo pattern. They tend to have a distinct black cap on the head and over the back.

These are some duclairs I used to have:


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