Sebastopol Goose or Gander


Mar 11, 2022
Hey all! I hatched some Sebastopol babies and wondering if I have males or females. Tell me your thoughts. The bigger one is just over 8 weeks and the other 2 are 6 weeks.


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At 5 1/2 months I get some great clues with mine but I raise Africans. First its the way they stand and present themself s. My boy stand more upward throwing there chest forward. The boys also start getting a sharper voice by 6 months the girls get there girl voice which is a deep tone.. My girls tend to crouch when they walk holding there chest down. But if you really want to know for sure at this age you can get feather testing done. IQ is really easy you pluck a few down feathers from the area closest to the vent and send them off.
They say the males have longer necks. I'm not sure maybe it's just that they're always sticking their necks out looking out and puffing up for danger.

My gander is more vocal. I imagine you'll get more difference in vocals as they mature.
Thanks for your replies. I've been trying to figure it out with no luck. They all three seem to have shorter necks. The gal I got the hatching eggs from thinks they might be females, but not sure. The white one has a deeper voice than the other two. I got nothing.

As suggested by Jries, I went ahead and ordered some IQ DNA tests so I'm going to send those off. The Saddleback is the only one displaying male-like behaviors so far. Granted it's with my ducks that just came into laying age. I have separated the geese from the runner ducks to avoid any accidental drownings! They aren't very happy about it because they grew up together and are a bonded group, but they can still see each other through the fence.

I'm excited to get the results!
Thanks for your replies. I've been trying to figure it out with no luck. They all three seem to have shorter necks. The gal I got the hatching eggs from thinks they might be females, but not sure. The white one has a deeper voice than the other two. I got nothing.

As suggested by Jries, I went ahead and ordered some IQ DNA tests so I'm going to send those off. The Saddleback is the only one displaying male-like behaviors so far. Granted it's with my ducks that just came into laying age. I have separated the geese from the runner ducks to avoid any accidental drownings! They aren't very happy about it because they grew up together and are a bonded group, but they can still see each other through the fence.

I'm excited to get the results!
Well the results are in and confirmed my suspicions....1 goose and 2 ganders. The white one is the female. She is a little smaller and has a deeper voice than the other two. I am hoping since they hatched and grew up together there won't be too much breeding season aggression and that they have already "worked" it out for the most part.

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