Sebright Chickens


11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
Northern NJ
I am hoping to be able to hatch more chicks and I am new to the whole world of chickens. I think the sebrights are gorgeous and would love to try them someday.

Are they all bantam or do they come in standard size too? What is their personality like? I live in the Northeast, are they not good in cold weather?
My friend had a silver sebright rooster and he was nasty
He'd try to rip your face off if you got close to him! The hens will probably be ok though, btu they are a very alert active little bird, very flighty, probably wont be big cuddlers (though I know there are some that are sweet). They are pretty small and wouldn't be good if you're in a very cold place, though. They'd probably be ok if you had a good coop that they could be indoors for a long time.
I have both silver and gold sebrights. My oldest is a silver sebright 2 years old, not one single day will go by without him attacking me. My shins and calfs have cuts and bruises all over thanks to him, that's wearing pants could you imagine what he would do to me if I wore shorts back there! ~:>
To answer your other 2 questions: Sebrights are what is known as a "true bantam" meaning they have no large fowl counterpart. I live in upstate NY where winter can get pretty intense and Sebrights do fine here.
They are a beautiful breed and in my experience are usually easy to handle.
I recently had some seabrights 2 of them were nice. But my rooster was mean even to his siblings. In the winter I lost my hen to the cold and I live in Alabama.
I have kids who would want to be with the chickens and where I live winters can be pretty bitter cold. As much as I think they are beautiful they probably arent the friendly, cold hardy breed that would be fitting for me.

Thanks for sharing the info and experiences.

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