sebright killing her chicks

james walker

In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2017
Me daughters bronze sebright started hatching her brood today. Pecked one to death and started on two more. Pecked them on the head. My daughter pulled the two and the rest of the eggs. I know sebrights arent supposed to be a real broody chicken. But is this normal for them?
Every broody hen is different. Some first time hens have no clue what chicks are, and other hens don't actually want chicks, so I always watch every hatch. I don't know if it's common for the breed, but I know it's not uncommon for some broodies.
My broody did this last week. I found one newly hatched chick dead (cause not clear) and she kept pecking the head of the other. I ended up getting additional chicks (since the rest of her eggs didn't hatch) and taking the dead eggs away. Once it was all chicks and no eggs, she stopped pecking them and has been a good mother. I think maybe she was pecking to tell them to stay under her while the others hatched. As for your situation, I would remove the chicks from her at this point and keep a close eye on hatching ones. Once all the eggs are hatched, see if you can reintroduce her to the chicks.
Thats the plan. We
I have only had one hen do this and it was a Seabright as well. She was viciously attacking the head when found. I never used her as a broody again.
I have only had one hen do this and it was a Seabright as well. She was viciously attacking the head when found. I never used her as a broody again.

have a good incubator and plenty of other hens go broody and can surrogate for us.

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