Seeking Advice! Sick 4 week old chick


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2022
My 4 week old Buff Orpington chick has been acting sick since yesterday, please help! She is spending most of her time under the heat lamp and has puffed up feathers. She is very sleepy and has been lying on her side more than usual. She is passing solid stools but they are surrounded by a clear mucous. All four of my chicks are vaccinated for Marek's and are on a medicated starter feed. I have been giving them small pieces of greens and sprinkle chick grit into their feed. Could this be coccidiosis even on a medicated feed? All other chicks are acting and playing as usual. They are being kept in the bathroom with fresh water changed a few times a day and pine shavings as bedding. I tried separating her, but she had enough energy to hop out of the box and join her friends! Should I assume this may be contagious and separate her? Should I wait and see if she gets better? Please give any advice!!

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