Selling Black Stars & Baby chicks! (Good Laying Breed) in El Paso, TX


11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Las Cruces, NM
I am selling some of my Black Star chickens and have the following to offer. I have previously tried to mail these birds out, but the shipping charges are outrageous and discourages would-be buyers. If you are interested in having them shipped though, please contact me for quotes and ask about number of birds you desire.

Here is what I have...

16 Black Star Pullets (Hatched ~ 8 Aug)

3 Black Star Cockerels (Hatched ~ 8 Aug)

6 Barred Rock/Speckled Sussex Babies (Hatched ~26 Sept)

2 White Leghorn Baby chicks (Hatched ~26 Sept)

2 Americauna Baby chicks (Hatched ~27 Sept)

Please let me know if you're interested. I'd prefer local pickup but will ship if you're willing to cover all costs including the shipping box and postage.
Black Stars are a heavy and good egg laying breed. They are mostly black and lay brown eggs. I'd be willing to cut you a good deal if you're interested. I bought them originally from Murray McMurray hatchery and recently realized that I have too many for the city code and want to cut back.

Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll send you a few pics.

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