selling(CA) 7+ Wheaten Marans eggs $30 June 10(wed)

Crest Acres Girl

11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Southern California
I'm offering Wheatens Marans hatching eggs for sale. They are of the Ron Presley's Cottage Hill Line. Feather legged birds that lay wonderful dark eggs.I always send extras to help give you a good start. Post sold and PM me your information.

I will ship on June 10th. Shipping is actual shipping from 91789 !

I will most likely be able to collect 12 eggs but I can guarantee at least 7+
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Here are some photos if anyone is interested. I've actually gotten darker eggs than this but the flash doesn't seem to like to accept it! lol

Retired Wheaten Hen/ shes 13 now and is free ranged


Wheaten chicks and black copper chicks just hatched!


wheaten egg with leghorn egg for contrast


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you're killing me I love the wheatens and I'm raising some chicks now and just set some eggs under a broody.
My bator has hatching eggs in at day 18. I'm very temped.
Would you consider a trade of eggs?
If not thats ok. I'll have to see if the dates are going to work for me.
Beautiful eggs chicks and hen.
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Well my wheatens(I have 6 hens) are laying like crazy so I'll definitely have eggs all month long. I'm only selling 6+ because I don't want to give out eggs more than a week old. If you guys don't mind eggs slightly more than a week I'll add more and write the lay dates on the eggs.

I also don't mind trading eggs, let me know what kind you have
Hopefully my incubator will be free soon

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