selling fertile eggs


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
We have NH Reds, Buff orpington, Golden Comet and mix breed eggs that we would like to sell. The hatch rate is around 90%. The asking price is $10.00 a dozen including shipping $12.00 including shipping and insurance. If you would like a dozen or more eggs please write to us at [email protected] or you are free to respond on

Confused Farmer
The new hampshire reds the comets and orpingtons are all in different coops with there roo's to keep them pure bred then i have a coop that has alittle of everything for people who wants mixed.
Thank you. I have a customer who wants a NH hen or two and since I'm hatching several breeds in April, had a thought maybe I could hatch a group so she could get a couple then, but I'm not sure I have bator space for this go-round. Good to know you have them, though!
To tell you the truth im not sure on that one i just have them with there roosters and so i call them pure bred im sorry if there not.

Confused Farmer.
Confused Farmer-
If you want to continue the sexlink Gold Comets, put your RIR hens in with a White Rock rooster. That is the sex link combination.

Hope this helps.
No,that wont work you need RIR roo and White Rock hens for sexlink,and I think that would be a red sexlink I belive the golden is RIR/RIW

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