Selling hatched chicks?


17 Years
Aug 19, 2007
Northern Utah
Not sure where to post this but I was wondering if any of you sell your mix breed chicks that you hatch. I would like to hatch a few batches of eggs but I don't want that many chicks. They will be BO (my rooster) cross and I'm not even going to try sexing them. My hens are Dominique, "Easter Eggers, Brown leg horn, and Sex Link I was thinking of $1.25 each. What do you guys think? Not looking to make a ton of money, mostly just pricing to sell easily and buy a bag of feed here and there.
I'll be hatching a (hopefully) large batch of mixed breeds for a school project. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them until I remembered a friend who wants more chickens because she lost most of hers recently. I'm just giving them to her a few days after they hatch and she's thrilled.

My point is that I'd go for it. If you have some left over that you can't keep you can always keep lowering the price, right? $1.25 sounds like a good price for future layers to me. :)
Most of the people where I'm at don't seem to care about breed. They just want chickens who lay eggs and/or ones they can eat. The feed store in town charges $3.25 for straight run chicks and they sell out over and over. Hopefully I can sell my little "mutts" for $2 less and get rid of all that I don't want. I won't be hatching large batches so that will make it a little easier. I hope...
If the feed store sell out at $3.25, I would start at $2.75. Mutts are just as pretty and much hardier than pure breds. BO have lots of hidden colors so babies should be a variety of colors with so many different moms. Makes for a pretty group of layers.
No black and on the EE I don't think they are considered blue??? They have brownish heads and bodies mostly with steely grey tails and on their wings. They aren't brown but they aren't blue. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Didn't know that about BO roo and Dominique hen. Also thanks for the "spot on the head" tip :)
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