Selling Off most of the Flock (NC)

Corey NC

12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
North Carolina
Due to financial reasons and heading to college in a few years I am going to have to the amount of chickens I have to a minimum. Here is what I have to offer, feel free to ask any questions.

Buff Orpingtons

8 Hens - $8 each

I believe all are laying, the oldest are 4 years and the youngest are 1 year. I can't tell them apart though.

14 Six Week old Chicks - $4 each
I think I have 6 Cockerels and 8 pullets but I'm not sure. I can guess genders pretty well but no garrentees. All hatched and raised by broody.


2 Cockerels - $5 - One back and the other jubilee

1 young Pair - $8 - Mottled


Sultan(?)/Silkie X cockerel - FREE - Very unique look

Ducks - 2 call ducks either both female or a pair - FREE

Pictures availble upon request.

These must go to a good home, I hate that I can't keep them but I know that I can't take care of all of them so I must find them new homes.

Where are you at in NC dear? With gas I'm limited in my drive time. AND go figure I've been going
looking for ducks on here for 2 weeks now, and you have 2!

Just let me make sure its a possible drive and will probably head your way. Thanks

I'm interested! I'd love to get three of the Buff Orp 6-wk pullets. You live somewhere near the VA border, right? I'm in central VA, I could drive down there, either tomorrow or next weekend.

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