Due to financial reasons and heading to college in a few years I am going to have to the amount of chickens I have to a minimum. Here is what I have to offer, feel free to ask any questions.
Buff Orpingtons
8 Hens - $8 each
I believe all are laying, the oldest are 4 years and the youngest are 1 year. I can't tell them apart though.
14 Six Week old Chicks - $4 each
I think I have 6 Cockerels and 8 pullets but I'm not sure. I can guess genders pretty well but no garrentees. All hatched and raised by broody.
2 Cockerels - $5 - One back and the other jubilee
1 young Pair - $8 - Mottled
Sultan(?)/Silkie X cockerel - FREE - Very unique look
Ducks - 2 call ducks either both female or a pair - FREE
Pictures availble upon request.
These must go to a good home, I hate that I can't keep them but I know that I can't take care of all of them so I must find them new homes.
Buff Orpingtons
8 Hens - $8 each
I believe all are laying, the oldest are 4 years and the youngest are 1 year. I can't tell them apart though.
14 Six Week old Chicks - $4 each
I think I have 6 Cockerels and 8 pullets but I'm not sure. I can guess genders pretty well but no garrentees. All hatched and raised by broody.
2 Cockerels - $5 - One back and the other jubilee
1 young Pair - $8 - Mottled
Sultan(?)/Silkie X cockerel - FREE - Very unique look
Ducks - 2 call ducks either both female or a pair - FREE
Pictures availble upon request.
These must go to a good home, I hate that I can't keep them but I know that I can't take care of all of them so I must find them new homes.