One of my Serama hens was sittiing on three eggs. Last night we noticed a little head peeping out from under her. Once they hatch we always put them and Mom in our storage room for warmth and safety. Thinking I would be moving Mama and three chicks this morning, I was devistated to walk out there in the rain and find the hatched baby stretched out stiff on the cold wet ground. When I picked it up it moved. I heated some towels up and a barley sock and within about 45 minutes the near dead chick was upright and chirping!!!! I just went through this with a duckling about 3 weeks ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she does alright. The hen was off the other two eggs so I put them under another hen that is sitting. Hopefully they'll still hatch, not too hopefull on that one. I've got one hen that hatched one chick yesterday, I may have to swipe that chick from her to keep this one company. I cannot put this one with her because she is a standard size chicken and I tried that once and the chicks just were too small for her not to accidentally keep stepping on them. Ugh! If it's not one thing it's another around here lately!!