
Aug 25, 2018
Behavior question. first time serama owner.... completely smitten and obsessed with my littles. I have 5 serama chicks that are now about 2.5 weeks old. I noticed them kicking their food around and then dustbathinf in it often.

I’ve never had chicks dustbathe before so young. Can someone tell me if this is something specific to seramas, and if so, how can I best make them happy by providing something to dustbathe in? Or is it not recommended this young?

As far as I know this is not a serama specific thing but it is fine for them to dustbathe as early as they have the urge. If you use wood shavings in their brooder they will dustbathe in them, otherwise I find sand good for chicks. It doubles as grit. If you have space you could use a small shallow container of sand (I use children's play sand).
Dust bathing is normal for any chickens. I did not provide anything to do this in the brooder. They will naturally do outside to protect themselves from pests. I did put food up at head height and above bottoms as grew to keep out of food. If caught in food got sent out cuz they will just poop in it. I now hang my feeders out in coop. Much cleaner.
Just about sand and grit. It does not double as grit. Sand goes right through a chicken and provides no benefit. At 3-4 weeks should be providing chick grit free choice along with few greens like cabbage etc. and could provide dried mealworms but not let treats get to > 10 % of diet.
When my seramas were a week old, I traded puppy pads for wood shavings, and my most adventurous one tried dustbathing. Hes been the first to fly, first to crow, etc, full of that serama spirit. Maybe you have a bunch of those :gigbut I would say it's totally normal. Good luck with your littles!

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