Seramas!!! Tell me about your seramas! post pictures too!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Washington State
So I have seramas in the bator right now! I candled them this evening (Sunday, April 21st), And I put them in Thursday, 18th and 14 out of 15 have veins in them!
I'm hoping they all get through the hatch, wish me luck.

I'm a first time serama owner and I just adore the breed!! I've been around them before but never hatched them out on my own. I've done countless days of research on the breed! So you can show off your birds on this thread........And please give any advice to me you can!!
So since I know nothing about this breed, they look like a small chicken and very pretty, I have my bannie family and I just love these birds, I do have my LF too, but I think the bannies are more comical. Do you know how the two breeds compare?
what do you mean by LF? and compared to what breed of Bantam?......I'm guessing you mean bantams when you say bannies? with a little more info I could probably answer your question!

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