Set eggs today


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
I don't know why I did this, this late in the year but no turning back now. Acquaintance gave me a mixer of turkin, barred rock, black star, buff orpington, americana, new hampshire. So I will be curious want kind of mixture I'll get.
I am giving my broody fertile eggs for the very first time today. I know it is the wrong season but it is still 80 degrees where I am so I am just going to go for it. This is my first time try to hatching anything and I'm a little nervous. Love to hatch along with you.
I hope I get at least one naked neck hen. The cabins we stay at in Jamaica (almost) every Feb. has a flock of naked necks. It will make me feel like I'm back on the island even those times we can't make it there.
I set 12 eggs in my incubator on the 13th. 9 chicken,2 pekin,1 mallard for test i was trying to get my homemade incubator up to correct temps.My temps were 100 and down to 90.I cracked a egg i thought was no good but it was. So added 9 pekin&9 mallard eggs last night.Now that my temps are staying steady. So ill hatch with ya.
Ill be setting a few tomorrow and the next day.
Ill be setting 14 Silver laced wyandottes. 7 Golden laced wyandottes and 6 blue laced red wyandottes. Hoping for a good hatch. :)
Ill be setting a few tomorrow and the next day.
Ill be setting 14 Silver laced wyandottes. 7 Golden laced wyandottes and 6 blue laced red wyandottes. Hoping for a good hatch. :)

I'll be hopeing for you! I have 2 GLW hen &rooster.Would love some SLW & BLRW one day.My 8 eggs are EExEE or GLW. BB x GLW or EE. BA x GLW or EE.Ha Ha hope i didnt confuse you almost confused myself ;) If they hatch they are due Nov.3
My mallard egg so far is the only one showing visual signs (blood veins showing.)Will candle again 23(10 days)
I'll be hopeing for you! I have 2 GLW hen &rooster.Would love some SLW & BLRW one day.My 8 eggs are EExEE or GLW. BB x GLW or EE. BA x GLW or EE.Ha Ha hope i didnt confuse you almost confused myself ;) If they hatch they are due Nov.3
My mallard egg so far is the only one showing visual signs (blood veins showing.)Will candle again 23(10 days)

Ill be also adding blue wyandotte eggs lol i got two glw as well hen and rooster i got two silver laced hens the only one mating them is my buff orp. Hes suppose to be mating the buff orp hen and lav hen lol i had a goose egg incubating that die on day 18. My broody silkie is sitting on 9 of my own eggs this is her 4th attempt as rats ate the first two time last year and a hose running in there coop drowned the eggs she was sitting on. Which are now in the bator i think only one survived that. The mixes the silkies on are amberlinks,maran,barred rock,slw,ee and olive egger hens x buff orp roo since my ee roo ive never seen him mate with anyone lol
I wish your silkies luck this go around.Hope all goes well with your hatches and mine to.I just candled my 29 eggs.My mallard are looking good only 3 are questionable.My chicken and pekin eggs are questionable als:hmmne pekin didnt look right so i cracked it open the yolk was scrambled. :(

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