Seven dust or DE?!


In the Brooder
Nov 8, 2015
What do y'all prefer? Pros and cons of each. I use DE but also have seven dust, I had a cochin pullet die last night (had fowl pox) but I was examining her and noticed she had lice.. I treated everyone with DE and the pens. Just wanted to know what everyone else prefers. Thanks!!
DE works as a good preventative, but when it comes to infestations, you need to use the "hard" stuff. Bugs can multiply fast. So you need something that kills on contact. Especially with lice.

Get them all powdered up with Sevin, strip down the coop, all bedding and nest boxes and dust there too. Under the roost bar too. Repeat this once a week for about a month.

Once you get this under control, you can then turn to DE and dust the floors and nest boxes once a month. Birds too. The DE will work to help repel and kill them off before they multiply to epic proportions.
Actually, Sevin is now withdrawn from poultry use and the withdraw time for egg use is lifetime!!! I used permethrin, which works fantastic and is labled for poultry.
I do agree with twocrows on DE, It only helps keep them from setting up residence.
Do you have poultry lice or red mites? If lice, than they only live on the bird and die if they come off. Red mites stay in the coop too.
I highly reccomend permethrin, works great, just as long as you wear protective gear! Good luck! :)
Forgot to say, with poultry lice only you don't have to do anything but dust all the chickens. According to the bottle, no egg withdraw time, my chicken's really bad lice infestation (one bird there was up to 4 lice on each feather shaft) was GONE the day after the 1st treatment!! I still did a retreat, otherwise the lice will come back. What twocrows said is perfect, if you have red mites. Exept use permethrin. :D
Thank you all so much!! I got permethrin and it seemed to have worked wonders, I cleaned the coop and pens really well and then proceeded to put the DE down and all seems well so far!! :) I really appreciate all the wonderful advice and the girls seem to be doing very well! :) I hope that everyone is doing well and have a Merry Christmas! Thanks again!

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