severely cracked beak on chick (pics)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 9, 2013
We just found our 6wk old buff with a severely cracked beak... tried cleaning it with peroxide and water mix, would like to glue a tea bag on it to help mend it but was wondering if it would be better to let it alone? Any help would be appreciated thanks
btw she doesn't seem to be in any pain, she was cooing and chirping as we held her

Thank you so much for the links.... the injury looks really bad, but she doesn't act like she is in pain with her cooing and all. She is the friendliest and most affectionate chick we have, she absolutely loves us, so that might be what the cooing is all about. Any way I tried to glue it but it wouldn't stay, the cracked beak seems to have set. It's hard and brittle and won't shift together, gluing isn't working for us. So looks like I'll just keep antibiotic cream on it and keep it clean. I'm hoping it will grow out... she's eating scrambled eggs and doesn't seem to have a hard time at all. It's when she tries to clean her beak off it pulls back and causes her some pain because she lets out a loud chirp. She also tries to clean her feathers but that must be painful too. We'll keep her in for a few days/nights I hate separating her from her sisters because I know it just takes a few days out of the flock before she'll be considered an outsider and have to reestablish her place in the flock again :(
My duck had his bill chomped and I took him to the vet for antibiotics . The vet didn't rinse him with anything. Eating was an issue for my duck. He would not eat baby food ,crumble , mash or worms. Canned corn saved the day. Rest and food , she'll be healed up in a few weeks.
Thank you for the encouragement... I believe she'll be ok in time. I'll try to remember to do an update in a few days.
I just found my 6 week old pullet also with crack in beak. How did your girl do? What did you find to be most helpful? Not sure if I should try to glue to protect it or just topical antibiotics. It has a crack from mid way down one side but is not separated. She appears to be pain free eating and drinking. I was just wondering if these heal or grow out?

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