sevin dust ***UPDATED***


10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Do they sell this at Tractor Supply stores? Im pretty sure the chickens i just bought have mites! Should i just follow the directions that it comes with or should i do something special?

I wiped their butts off with a towel and water and put the sevin dust on them. This stuff works great! I checked my 4 seramas this morning and all of them appear to be mite free!!! I'll probably repeat it (not sure when) just in case. It didn't seem as strong as some have made it seem though. I thought it was going to burn my husbands skin or something,lol. Thanks for the advice!!!
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Try a garden center, most places have it there,

Dust there butts and under there wings, repeat in 10 days, check the shafts of there feathers by there vents if you see white stuff stick on the feathers, you have a bad case of mites, make sure you redo in ten days.
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I like to dust the butt, wings and back. after I put the dist on I rub it in so it gets to the skin.

You can buy it at TSC, Wal-mart, most feed stores and hardware stores. It ia also carried by lowes, home depot and garden stores.

edit- I also cover the bottome of the coops paying special attention to all the corners and cracks.

I have forund that just using sevin in the coop and not on the bird works as long as I use Adam's Flea and Tick spray on the birds. I spray the butts, backs, and under each wing. I use 2 pumps in ewach place. for larger breeds use 3 or 4 pumps. Adam's will keep killing the bugs for 3 months and kills them on contact. I have tested it on mites and lice I got on me from the birds by spraying it right on the bugs that were on my arm, it killed them in less than 5 seconds.

Warning- Sevin and Adam's can cause severe allergic reactions. if you are using these products you shoul;d weat gloves, long sleeves and a dust mask.
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Ok, i got the sevin dust. How often should i put it directly on them? Once the mites go away will their butts get de-pasted? AND will the mites stay on them or will they get on me and in my house?
where can i get the adam's spray? Is that generally for dogs and cats?
Yes it is marketed for cats and dogs. I buy it at my feed store but when they are sold out I buy it at a local vet's office.
Should i go ahead and try just the sevin on and around my chickens and see how that works and then get the Adams if it doesn't work? Or is it a personal preference,lol?
I use 10%. I can't find the 5% at my Wal-Mart stores. USE A MASK! You breathe it in, it HURTS. You'll be tasting Sevin for a week.

Adams Flea and Tick Spray, you can buy it at a feed store and I've seen Wal-Mart marketing it as well. It works for North Fowl mites as well as scaley leg mites.

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